

2017-01-02 CCL 研之成理




前人通常都是以Cu薄膜为对象,在原位TEM暗场下、利用Phase Contrast来研究其氧化还原过程。这篇JACS中,作者以Cu纳米颗粒作为对象,在新型HAADF-STEM暗场下,利用不同原子Z-Contrast不同来研究其氧化还原过程。(关于TEM、STEM、HAADF和Z-Contrast,请阅读:TEM、HRTEM、STEM——透射电子显微镜的三驾马车

图 2

Fig 2. In-situ oxidation of Cu on carbon support over the course of 100 minutes at 300°C in 2 Pa oxygen. The white arrow points to a nanoparticle that shows the shrinking Cu area, formation of Cu2O and the change in Cu to Cu2O inter- face angles. 

上图2为Cu纳米粒子在氧气氛围下逐渐被氧化的过程。在30 min后能够明显看到一个颗粒中存在两种不同亮度的物质。较亮的为Cu,较暗的是Cu2O 。从图1中,我们不难发现,在氧化过程中,首先在Cu的某一个面出现Cu2O的晶核,然后Cu2O晶核不断增大,最终Cu被完全氧化。如果增加氧气分压或者升高温度,这一过程会加快,但基本过程不变,不会有多个Cu2O核的出现,如图3所示:

图 3

Figure 3. In-situ oxidation of Cu carried out at 500°C in 2 Pa oxygen. The blue arrow indicates the direction the interface moves in. 


图 4

Figure 4. A schematic of how the interface angles and wetting angles were defined and measured, and examples of the different cases taken from oxidation on the left and center, and from the reduction on the right. 


图 5

Figure 5. Pressure dependence of the initial oxidation stage, with the time of oxidation being shown for ~40 nm nanoparticles at the time when the particle no longer had any of the metallic copper still visible (the right hand image for each point). The red dashed line is a guide added to illustrate the exponential relationship between the points in A), and along the linear relationship vs reciprocal pressure in B). 


图 6

Figure 6. A reduction series started with the copper that had been oxidized at 10 Pa oxygen at 300°C for 200 minutes, which is then reduced for 240 minutes in 2 Pa hydrogen at 400°C, and then oxidized in 5 Pa oxygen at 300°C for 30 minutes. The red arrows show the direction of reduction, and the blue arrows are the direction of oxidation. 


图 7

Figure 7. A) Dynamic HAADF-ESTEM image of a Cu/Cu2O nanoparticle, with B) the FFT showing the 2.5° rotation be- tween the (111) reflections of Cu and Cu2O. HAADF-STEM images of C) a Cu/Cu2O nanoparticle, and E) a Cu/Cu2O na- noparticle during reduction. D), and F) are the line profiles from the red and blue boxes in C) and E) with annotations indicating the lattice matching of the Cu/Cu2O, with a grey background behind the 6x5 relationship. G) QSTEM simula- tion of the Cu to Cu2O interface model shown in H) with the 7×6 interface highlighted in both, and the attachment area highlighted with a white box in G) and a black box in H). 






